Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mary Magdalene

Miguel Omaña's Mary Magdalene

My pencil drawing of Mary Magdalene. From the disciples, she was the favorite and to whom many mysteries untold according to gnostics.

This drawing was based on Mexican hostess Claudia Lizaldi. But made several changes in order to become more similar to what I think Mary Magdalene looked like.

It was done with different pencils in order to convey the idea of different gradient in shadows.

Este es mi dibujo hecho a lapiz del retrato de Maria Magdalena. De los discipulos, ella fue la favorita, y de acuerdo a los gnosticos a ella se le revelaron muchos misterios de la vida.

Este dibujo esta basado en la presentadora de television mexicana Claudia Lizaldi. Aunque le hice modificaciones para que se pareciera mas a lo que yo consideraba la imagen de Maria Magdalena

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ana Lucano nude pose


Ana G. Lucano posing nude. This painting was made with acrylics over paper. I decided to not put any specific background so the could be a strong contrast between the nude female figure and the pink background.

Ana G. Lucano posando desnuda. Esta pintura fue hecha con acrilicos en papel. Decidí no poner algun fondo en especifico, para contrastar la figura femenina desnuda contra el color plano.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ana G. Lucano resting nude - descansando desnuda


This is an acrylic painting of my personal female model, Ana Glon Lucano. She has been modeling for my art for a couple of months. This is one of the first painting I did on her nude figure. She is Mexican, and likes the idea of being a model, that is why I have her permission to use her name.

In this painting you can see Ana resting nude at her bed. Most of my work is based on her butt, mainly because it is her main attribute. It is painted with acrylics on paper. I was experimenting using strong lines but at the same time a strong impressionist air.

Este es una pintura en acrilico de mi modelo femenina persona, Ana Glon Lucano. Ella a modelado para mis obras artisticas por ya varios meses. Esta es una de las primeras pinturas que hice de ella representando su cuerpo desnudo. Ella es mexicana, y le encanta la idea de ser una modelo, por ello es que tengo su permiso para usar su nombre.

En esta pintura pueden ver a Ana descansando en su cama desnuda. La mayoria de mi trabajo se basa en sus nalgas, pues es su mas atractivo atributo. Esta pintada con acrilicos sobre papel. Estaba experimentando con lineas gruesas y al mismo tiempo un toque de impresionismo.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Princess Atotoztli at her gardens sketch.


This was my first attempt of portraying what was called "the most beautiful woman" in Ancient Mexico. It was a sketch for a painting, but later changed to another pose in order to paint in canvas. So this one was my very basic blue print of Atotoztli.

Atotoztli, or Atototzin, was a princess from an ancient Mexico nation called Colhuacan. Colhuacan existed well before the Aztecs, and was praised to have Toltec blood. Indigenous Chroniclers depict this princess as a possesor of beautiful phisical qualities. Yacanex, a nobleman from Tepetlaoztoc wanted to marry Atotoztli. But Atotoztli's grandfathers saw fit for her to marry Huetzin, a prestigious bachelor. Yacanex did not liked this and led an all-out uprise against the established nations. What started as a war to win Atotoztli ended as a revolution against civilization. Atotoztli at the end married Huetzin. Their descendants intermarried with the famous Aztecs.

This sketch was made with charcoal on paper. The only problem for me was doing the small face with charcoal. The body is based on Mexican actress Andrea Garcia, and the face on famous Mexican actress and singer Ninel Conde.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Chalchiuhtlicue, the spirit of the rivers.


Chalchiuhtlicue is the spirit (others call her goddess) of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, creeks, falls.

Based on Kiki's self-portrait. You can find her picture and more on

Charcoal 9 x 11I was walking through my realm of clouds, thinking of my love. She was taken from me, my luscious Xochiquetzalli. I was defeated within my heart, that maybe no more love I could find in this heavenly kingdom of rain. She will be living now within the black mirror, but I stand alone above the thundering heavens. But my attention was interrupted by my servants. A request from an old couple who wanted some rain for their crops. Peasants come first, I assured myself. I ordered the skies to bend into my will so that this people could recieve their much needed water. While we began breaking the monumental containers of water with thunders, I saw a shadow nearby the crops of the old couple. I ordered everyone to stop the rain, as I went to investigate who was that shadowy figure. Let it not be Tezcatlipoca, for I would unleash hail and wind onto him. But behold it was a beautiful woman. She had a calm but sad face. She was looking at the crops, with great dispair. "Who are you?", I asked. "I am water", she replied bluntly. "It cannot be, for I am water", I said. "You are not water, but only rain. Do people live of rain. No! They drink water, they bathe with water" She said to me very firmly. "My lady, wouldn't you say you need the rain to bring the water to the people." "I need you as you need me" she replied more paused and calmly. I throw myself into her knees where she was sitting. "I am Tlaloc, the rain. And if you are the water, we need to be together. I will let you reign all over the water of all the world, and you will become the high queen of water. No more in separate ways, but together joined in the same destiny."

Chalchiuhtlicue es el espiritu (llamada por otros como diosa) de los cuerpos de agua como los lagos, rios, arroyos, y cascadas. Carbon 9 x 11

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Claudette Psico


Carbon en papel.

Modelo argentina que comenzó de manera amateur en Flickr. Tuve la oportunidad de estar en contacto con ella y realice este dibujo de su mas famoso atributo.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Claudia Lizaldi

Retrato de Claudia Lizaldi al carbon sobre papel.

Claudia Lizaldi es una conductora de television en Mexico. Este es uno de los primeros retratos que hice cuando retome el arte. Me fue dificil, porque las mujeres son muy bellas, y esa belleza hace que la perfeccion sea dificil de imitar. Siempre he admirado a las mujeres, logico. Pero esa admiracion la estoy canalizando en el arte.