Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Chalchiuhtlicue, the spirit of the rivers.


Chalchiuhtlicue is the spirit (others call her goddess) of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, creeks, falls.

Based on Kiki's self-portrait. You can find her picture and more on www.flickr.com/photos/xochitlcastillo/

Charcoal 9 x 11I was walking through my realm of clouds, thinking of my love. She was taken from me, my luscious Xochiquetzalli. I was defeated within my heart, that maybe no more love I could find in this heavenly kingdom of rain. She will be living now within the black mirror, but I stand alone above the thundering heavens. But my attention was interrupted by my servants. A request from an old couple who wanted some rain for their crops. Peasants come first, I assured myself. I ordered the skies to bend into my will so that this people could recieve their much needed water. While we began breaking the monumental containers of water with thunders, I saw a shadow nearby the crops of the old couple. I ordered everyone to stop the rain, as I went to investigate who was that shadowy figure. Let it not be Tezcatlipoca, for I would unleash hail and wind onto him. But behold it was a beautiful woman. She had a calm but sad face. She was looking at the crops, with great dispair. "Who are you?", I asked. "I am water", she replied bluntly. "It cannot be, for I am water", I said. "You are not water, but only rain. Do people live of rain. No! They drink water, they bathe with water" She said to me very firmly. "My lady, wouldn't you say you need the rain to bring the water to the people." "I need you as you need me" she replied more paused and calmly. I throw myself into her knees where she was sitting. "I am Tlaloc, the rain. And if you are the water, we need to be together. I will let you reign all over the water of all the world, and you will become the high queen of water. No more in separate ways, but together joined in the same destiny."

Chalchiuhtlicue es el espiritu (llamada por otros como diosa) de los cuerpos de agua como los lagos, rios, arroyos, y cascadas. Carbon 9 x 11

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